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Expected results

Dissemination Guide 1
Project logo and image 1
Website of the project 1
Nª of visit/month to the website 500
Nº of Brochure 2
Nº of electronic newsletters 6
Nº of electronic newsletters sent 24.000
Nº of appearances in media or press releases 18
Nº of Dissemination Workshops 3
Nº of people attending the dissemination workshops 320
Nº of Final Dissemination Seminar 3
Nº of participants in the Final Dissemination Seminars 240
Nº  of document of Good Practices“Analysis and Design of European" 1
Nº of Good Practices “Analysis and Design of European “electronically distributed 1000
Nº of documents   Educational materials for  tutors 1
Nº of documents Methodological apprenticeship training in the business 1
Nº of documents Guide for the implementation of the dual training in business 1
Nº of documents Guide  for Validation Europass Apprentice 1
Students Participant 120
Tutors participant 30
Good Practices identified 20


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