During the past 4, 5 and 6 February the first transnational meeting was held in Madrid, which meant the launch of the European Dual-T Project led by CEOE and in which five other organizations from different European countries participate. The organizations involved are: Centro Liber Formation (Spain), Handwerkskammer Potsdam (Germany), Sviluppo Center and L'Innovazione delle Imprese - Società Cooperativa y...
The Spanish representation of the Erasmus + Dual-t Project (CEOE and LIBER) was present at the Forum organized by the Alliance for FP DUAL and the Bertelsmann Foundation at the headquarters of the CEOE (Madrid) with agents involved in FP in general And in particular with those involved in the recent DUAL FP. In general, we presented the DUAL FP...
On the 21st and 22nd of March 2017, the 5th Transnational meeting of the DUAL-T project was held in Bolzano and hosted by Consorzio IES. The two days meeting was an opportunity to approach the project’s progress, discuss about outputs, share findings and challenges, and exchange all the work developed since the last transnational meeting held in Bucharest (Romania, September...
In the month of February the DUAL-T project could go to the day of the SEPIE in Toledo, the reason, celebrate 10 years of EUROPASS. A very full day since explained what it is, what can we use it, and the most complicated how formula. Now up to us to do the same. It is important to give diffusion to...
Introduction The IVET system (International Vocational Training) includes both Italian upper secondary education - including technical education (Technical Institute) and training (vocational school) - managed by the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training (Initial Vocational Training) initial run Regions and provided by recognized training agency that operates nationwide. 1.1 Quality Assurance Systems at the level of initial vocational training system...
On October14 th and 15th the 2nd transnational meeting DUAL-T (Erasmus + 2014-1-ES01-KA202-004873) Project was held in Potsdam (Germany). It was coordinated by the Spanish Confederation of Business Organizations CEOE which aims to investigate and transfer all the good practices developed by dual training in the partner countries, common design methodologies and training contents extracted from these good practices project....
Promotor: NetWBL (red de 29 agencias nacionales responsable de las acciones del programa Erasmus+, se centran en la identificación y promoción de prácticas y productos de interés relevante para el desarrollo y la impartición de aprendizaje en el trabajo.) Asistentes: Las 29 agencias nacionales y las entidades seleccionadas por cada país que hayan o estén elaborando un proyecto relacionado con...
The DUAL-T consortium chose Madrid to celebrate the sixth, and presumably last, transnational meeting before the end of the project on 31st of August. Last 11th of July, the Spanish Confederation of Business Organizations (CEOE) hosted at its headquarters the partners of the European project “DUAL-T” constituted by Centro Liber Formación (Spain); CESVI (Italy), IES Consortium (Italy); Ru-Europa Romania and...
Madrid, 20 de julio de 2017 La Confederación Española de Organizaciones Empresariales, CEOE, celebra en Madrid una jornada para difundir los resultados de esta iniciativa, que se enmarca en las acciones del Programa Erasmus + de la Unión Europea para la educación, formación, juventud y deporte 2014-2020. Este proyecto, que se inició en septiembre de 2014 y que concluye el...
¿Conoces ya lo qué es la Formación Profesional Dual? ¿Quieres aprender trabajando? ¿Tu empresa o centro educativo quiere fomentar la FP? Dual Training (Dual-T) es un proyecto europeo dentro del marco de ERASMUS+, en la línea de Alianzas estratégicas, que persigue fomentar la implementación de esta modalidad de formación profesional, que supone formarse conjuntamente en el centro educativo y en...
Progetto DUAL-T. 5 Transnational Meeting a Bolzano (Italia) Il Consorzio di DUALT si è riunito a Bolzano, in Italia, per valutare i risultati fino ad oggi e pianificare il periodo del progetto a venire. Il 21 e 22 marzo 2017, si è tenuto il quinto incontro transnazionale del progetto DUAL-T a Bolzano ospitato dal Consorzio IES. L'incontro di due giorni...
Creating Leaders for the Future: No Limits to Entrepreneurship and Disability Il progetto CreatingLeaders for the Future: No Limits to Entrepreneurship and Disability nasce con l’obiettivo di creare e sviluppare percorsi di formazione imprenditoriale rivolti specificatamente a persone con disabilità. Il progetto è finanziato nell’ambito del programma Erasmus+ e vede la partecipazione di organizzazioni attive nel campo dell’inclusione lavorativa e...
Dual-T: un progetto Erasmus+ volto a supportare lo sviluppo del sistema duale in Europa È entrato nel suo terzo ed ultimo anno di attività il progetto Dual-T, finanziato nell’ambito del programma Erasmus+. Il progetto ha come obiettivo il trasferimento e l’adozione del sistema di formazione duale, una metodologia di apprendimento che prevede l’intervento congiunto di scuola e imprese, le quali...